Sure, you could look at holiday classics as just some fluff for the kids. could embrace them for the not-so-obvious lessons they have for the boss.
We may be stretching...a little. But with the holidays ahead, we offer a look at what the tried-and-true classics might look like if they were taught in B school.
The business lesson: Talk to your Millennials in their language or all they'll hear is Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah.
The bonus lesson: A little support makes everything work better.
The business lesson: Delivering during a storm will keep your customers believing.
The bonus lesson: Never underestimate the contributions of your unconventional employees.
The business lesson: Past and present performances are well and good, but nothing makes the case like showing management the steep cost of staying on the current path.
The bonus lesson: Dickensian business cultures will always come back to haunt you.
The business lesson: A resilient workforce will get the job done even if you take away all their toys.
The bonus lesson: Never put antlers on a dog.
The business lesson: The right climate (and a snappy dress code) can really bring your people to life.
The bonus lesson: The wrong climate can cause even the jolliest folks to completely fall apart.
And in the spirit on the season...we offer the strategic goal we all aim for...
Employees doing the happy dance.
We may be stretching...a little. But with the holidays ahead, we offer a look at what the tried-and-true classics might look like if they were taught in B school.
A Charlie Brown Christmas:
The story: Charlie Brown helps his friends discover a less commercial Christmas.The business lesson: Talk to your Millennials in their language or all they'll hear is Wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah.
The bonus lesson: A little support makes everything work better.

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
The story: Poor Rudolph is cast off as a misfit until his glowing nose leads the way for Santa's sleigh on a foggy Christmas Eve.The business lesson: Delivering during a storm will keep your customers believing.
The bonus lesson: Never underestimate the contributions of your unconventional employees.

A Christmas Carol
The story: Ebeneezer Scrooge reconsiders his humbug attitude after a visit from the late associate who literally worked himself into an early grave.The business lesson: Past and present performances are well and good, but nothing makes the case like showing management the steep cost of staying on the current path.
The bonus lesson: Dickensian business cultures will always come back to haunt you.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas
The story: A grouchy neighbor is so irritated with Christmas he decides to try to keep it from coming.The business lesson: A resilient workforce will get the job done even if you take away all their toys.
The bonus lesson: Never put antlers on a dog.

Frosty the Snowman
The story: A group of children discover a magic hat can animate their snowman.The business lesson: The right climate (and a snappy dress code) can really bring your people to life.
The bonus lesson: The wrong climate can cause even the jolliest folks to completely fall apart.
Best Holiday Wishes, From Us to You
Finally, with 2015 ahead, we remind you that even the biggest business challenges aren't as unmanageable as they might first seem.
And in the spirit on the season...we offer the strategic goal we all aim for...

Employees doing the happy dance.