The Annual CCH Unscheduled Absence Survey revealed that while the rate of unscheduled absences remains virtually the same as last year, the average per-employee cost of these absences has risen to $660 from $610. It is interesting to note that the survey only measures direct payroll costs for paid, unproductive time. The high cost of absenteeism hurts organizations even more when other costs, such as lost productivity, morale and temporary labor costs, are considered.
The CCH Unscheduled Absence Report surveyed 323 HR executives of U.S. companies in 46 states and Washington, D.C. What may be of most concern to employers is the finding that almost two out of three employees who fail to show up for work aren't physically ill. While personal illness accounts for 35 percent of unscheduled absences, the reasons for the remaining 65 percent of absences include family issues (21 percent), personal needs (18 percent), entitlement mentality (14 percent), and stress (12 percent). On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being most effective), the work-life programs rated highest by human resource executives for reducing unscheduled absences are alternative work arrangements (3.5), flu shot programs (3.4), leave for school functions, telecommuting, compressed work week and on-site child care (each at 3.3).
The CCH Unscheduled Absence Report surveyed 323 HR executives of U.S. companies in 46 states and Washington, D.C. What may be of most concern to employers is the finding that almost two out of three employees who fail to show up for work aren't physically ill. While personal illness accounts for 35 percent of unscheduled absences, the reasons for the remaining 65 percent of absences include family issues (21 percent), personal needs (18 percent), entitlement mentality (14 percent), and stress (12 percent). On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being most effective), the work-life programs rated highest by human resource executives for reducing unscheduled absences are alternative work arrangements (3.5), flu shot programs (3.4), leave for school functions, telecommuting, compressed work week and on-site child care (each at 3.3).