From Our Blog: Tips for Commuting with Kids - Share Your Ideas!

mom commuting with kids daycare pickup at Bright Horizons

Family Room blogger Kate shared some great tips on how to keep your car clean when your co-pilot is a toddler. But keeping the mess under control isn't the only challenge a parent faces when they commute with their child. Commutes can be boring. And tiring. And stressful. So, how do you make the travel time more enjoyable for everyone?

Today some of the Family Room bloggers are chiming in and offering go-to tips and ideas that may come in handy when you're in the car with kids.

Tips for Commuting with Kids in the Car

"For our family it’s all about snacks. They’re so hungry when I pick them up and during drive home that as long as I have an apple or granola bar they are totally happy." - Emily

"Enjoy the adventure. Use the time to connect with your kids – for the most part, your kids are stuck with you in a confined space so leveraging this time to connect, talk, sing, or just be silly allows for you to enjoy each other’s company and make the most of the time you have together during the work week." - Marisa

"I keep a small bag of Dum Dums in my glove compartment. If the kids start complaining they are hungry or I forget to pack a snack for the long commute home, I have a backup plan. Plus, once you give a child a lollipop, it’s amazing how quiet a stressful ride can become." - Mary

"I don’t have a far commute but often take extended road trips with my kids to the mountains. I suggest a car survival kit that includes snacks, favorite books, and scribble pads (Magna-doodles, etc.). For snacks, I like chewy granola bars because they make less mess and are easy for kids to hold without spilling everywhere. With my oldest, we also like to play “What am I thinking?” where we need to ask yes/no questions to try to determine what the other person is thinking." - Amy

"I like to turn off the electronics. Riding in the car is one of the few times that no one can “walk away” from family time. It’s the perfect opportunity to talk, sing, observe and laugh. You’ll find that as your children get older there will be a huge payoff for making car time family time. Imagine really talking with your teenagers about their day and their lives. Imagine teaching your teen to drive when your family practice is to have electronics off in the car. You’re going to be so glad you talked with your baby in the car." - Ruth

How do you keep the peace and enjoy car rides with kids? Share your ideas!

This article was originally published in 2014 and has since been updated.

What to Read Next:

  • On the Road - Commuting with Young Children
  • Daycare Pick-up: Tips for the End of the Day Routine
  • Toddler Car Sickness: How Do You Prevent It?
Bright Horizons
About the Author
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands
mom commuting with kids daycare pickup at Bright Horizons