A Lifeline for the Employee & Modern College Guidance Counselor

Offering lifeline employee guidance and counseling.

These days it's hard to find an employee at any company, at any level, who isn't busy, stretched and stressed.  It's even worse if they have college-bound children in high school, whose college guidance counselor could have responsibility for hundreds of other students. For these employees, navigating the complex college admissions and financial aid maze is daunting and the drain on their energies, attention and time at work can be intense.

College Guidance in Today's Schools

I feel great compassion for both guidance counselors and the students and families they serve, especially after reading articles about the challenges today's school counselors face.

Guidance counselors try their best to advise students about the complex college admissions process, but often have no formal training and sometimes have zero direct experience. They're doing this while also dealing with myriad other duties, including managing students' disciplinary and emotional problems, developing Individualized Educational Plans for students with special needs, helping students choose their courses, and handling the day-to-day issues that come up in their schools.

At the same time, families in those schools are left largely on their own to get through the next big stepapplying to and preparing to pay for college.  The challenge is no secret; there's a reason why elite private schools feature dedicated "College Counselors" on their faculties. These counselors, usually former college admissions officers, generally work with 50-60 students and focus all their efforts on assisting students and families with the college process. Even these specialized counselors can find themselves hard-pressed to give each family tailored advice on financial planning, standardized tests, college essays, extracurricular activities, and athletic recruitment  and even fewer can be readily available

What's an Employee to Do?

At College Coach, we're able to help tens of thousands of those families who lack dedicated college guidance counselors. Our uniquely-designed employer benefit allows employees to get answers on both quick and complicated questions from experts in the field, all former college admissions and financial aid officers. Whether providing a list of suggested colleges based on their children's interests and abilities, assisting with plans for saving and paying for college, or providing feedback on essays, we offer the step-by-step support most can't get at their schools. In turn, our clients gain back employees' time and productivity, reducing stress and increasing employee loyalty by offering this assistance.

Every year we get feedback like this from happy employees:

I wanted to let you know that Nathan was accepted to University of Pennsylvania early decision.  He is SO excited, as we are for him!  I wanted to thank all of the members of College Coach who helped us through this process through our 1:1 session, answering our many ongoing questions, and reviewing and providing excellent feedback on his essays.  Now I'll be looking to see how you can help me figure out the best way to afford the cost of college. I've already attended the webinar on this topic and may have additional questions as we move forward.
Hi College Coach. This is the best benefit that I have had through my company, benefitting my college bound child. Thank you!
Hi Kimberly - we met a few months back to discuss my son's applications - just wanted to thank you for all of your help and let you know that he was accepted into NYU Tisch Early Decision! He also got accepted into Emerson but we're going to NYU! The services offered by College Coach through my company were of great help in the process.

Focused, Personalized College Guidance for Your Employee Parents

We can safely expect most schools to continue to find it challenging - in the short- or long-term - to build the staff and resources to intensively shepherd their students through the admissions process. College Coach's offerings are bolstering guidance counselors' efforts while supporting employers, employees, and their families during the important and often stressful college process. 

Learn more about the impact of College Coach on the workforce - how we help employees remain focused, present, and engaged at work - and the variety of programs we offer to employers. 

Bright Horizons
About the Author
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands
Offering lifeline employee guidance and counseling.

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