The Work-Life Equation Podcast Episode 33: Easy School Lunch Ideas for Kids

The Work-Life Equation Podcast

Dread making school lunches? You’ve got lots of company. A study (really!) says it is the most dreaded parenting task. Why no love for lunch? And what can we do to restore the love — and get your kids to eat what you pack? Listen as Jessica Braider of The Scramble (a meal-planning resource), talks strategies for lunches you (and your children) will love. And then download the lunch-packing guide, How to Get Your Kids to Pack Their Own Lunches.

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Read the full transcript

1:10 Jessica Braider (CEO of “The Scramble”) helps us dissect why lunches are such a source of stress and overwhelming for many parents.

2:35 Here’s what parents should not focus on: trying to make it look perfect.

3:50 Jessica discusses her simple formula for a good, healthy lunch.

4:40 It’s all about balance when it comes to food – keep it fun and enjoyable!

5:30 Jessica goes through her tricks for apples and other fruits, to make them both tasty and looking fresh.

7:00 When should you get your child involved in their food choices, and how can you get them to pack their own lunch?

9:40 Why “good enough” is so hard for parents.

10:40 How can you use your freezer to your advantage? Jessica offers ideas for some good, healthy, simple foods to cook ahead of time and freeze (then, defrost!) to help you during the week.

14:00 There are sandwiches you can freeze.

15:40 Here are some ideas for mixing up sandwich ideas to keep it interesting.

17:25 How do you deal with lunches that come home uneaten?

19:55 All about snacks!

22:20 Recommendations for how to satisfy the sweet tooth.

23:40 Why do kids gravitate to sweet things? A little history lesson included.

24:40 Jessica lists her favorite lunches to make for special occasions.

26:20 What led Jessica to this line of work?

27:45 Keeping track of the money: how to eat healthy without breaking the bank.

29:55 Here’s how children can learn about balance and what makes up a healthy diet.

31:00 Exploring variety.

Bright Horizons
About the Author
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands
The Work-Life Equation Podcast