What Makes a Dream Company? Andrea Wicks Bowles Discusses New Research with WorldatWork

As the modern employment landscape shifts – millennials now represent the largest segment of the workforce – and workplace dynamics continue to evolve with big data, automation, flexible work arrangements, and more, people management is projected to be one of the top challenges facing company leaders in the coming years.

To address this topic, Andrea Wicks Bowles, Senior Consultant with Horizons Workforce Consulting (HWC), attended WorldatWork’s “Future at Work” Forum to present “How to Create a Dream Organization.” Andrea’s workshop was based on a recent national study by HWC that revealed employees' definition of a “Dream Company”: an organization with a culture that supports individuals as whole people as well as employees. From an employer perspective, becoming a “Dream Company” is beneficial in many ways as well – most importantly in that it results in employees who are happy, loyal, and engaged. 

See Andrea discuss this research in a video interview with WorldatWork TV, including what characteristics make up a Dream Company, what impact this has on employees, and what employers can do to reach dream organization status.