Bright Horizons’ Michelle Kang Presents at Pennsylvania Summit on Early Childhood Investment

Last week, Michelle Kang, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Operational Strategy at Bright Horizons, presented at the Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission’s 2017 Economic Summit on Early Childhood Investment. The annual Summit brings together more than 200 business leaders, policy makers, and community leaders to examine the latest research and policy developments in early learning.

This year’s event focused on “The Business of Early Learning” and explored the importance of high-quality child care for today’s workforce, the challenges of the current child care business model, and innovative solutions that have surfaced both locally and nationally.

In her presentation, Kang discussed the lack of quality child care across the country and why it is important for employers to become involved. Kang also outlined the benefits for employers who choose to invest in early child care and education.

“For parents who want to grow their careers while raising children, working for a company that offers child care could be the difference between staying with their current company or leaving for a family-friendly employer,” says Kang. “Additionally, employers who invest in child care are sending an important message to their employees about the culture of the workplace and the value they place on employee success and happiness.”

Other presenters at the Summit included The Honorable Tom Wolf, Governor of Pennsylvania; Jessie Rasmussen, President, Buffett Early Childhood Fund; and Shannon Rudisill, Executive Director, Early Childhood Funders’ Collaborative.