Bright Horizons Plays Active Role in Partnership for a Healthier America’s Building a Healthier Future Summit

[Watertown, Mass./ Washington, D.C. - March 12, 2014] Bright Horizons Family Solutions® and its Chief Executive Officer David Lissy are playing an important role in the Partnership for a Healthier America’s (PHA) Building a Healthier Future Summit, which is taking place March 12 – 14 in Washington, D.C. The Summit is one of the premiere gatherings for leaders working to end childhood obesity.

Bright Horizons has been working with PHA since 2012 and Bright Horizons CEO Dave Lissy contributed as a panelist at the “Healthy Early Childhood: Promising Practices” session today. The discussion focused on why organizations involved in early childhood are investing in healthier options, and explored best practices that can help instill healthy habits in children and help ensure that obesity rates for young children continue to fall. 

“We are proud to partner with PHA and to serve as a model for other child care centers looking to incorporate practices, activities and lessons that are geared toward helping children to develop healthy habits at an early age,” said Lissy. “We have always believed that our teachers are in a unique position to encourage healthy habits by educating children on how food and exercise choices impact our lives. Through our Well Aware curriculum and working alongside our parents and the employers that we partner with across the country, we have made health and well-being a key element of our program.” 

In partnership with PHA, Bright Horizons was the first child care organization to commit to public evaluation of its pledge to healthy practices, including nutrition, physical activity and long-standing screen time polices. Through this collaboration, the organization serves as an open model and as an example for child care centers nationwide. 

“Teaching children about a healthy lifestyle begins early, and we’re thrilled that Dave is joining us to explore this topic,” said PHA CEO Lawrence A. Soler. “As PHA’s first child care partner, Bright Horizons continues to show an incredibly strong commitment to teaching children and families about promoting healthy habits from a young age.”

The Bright Horizons Well Aware curriculum fosters positive attitudes toward healthy living, physical activity, and nutrition through appropriate experiences that incorporate healthful habits into daily routines. More than just a fitness and wellness learning program, Well Aware is an approach to life that supports and facilitates ways that adults and children can incorporate healthy choices into their daily lives.

Bright Horizons is also providing the on-site child care program at the Summit, which is available to attendees’ children who are between the ages of two and 12.