This activity promotes development and learning by encouraging children to compare and categorize objects, materials, and events.
Materials Needed:
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle
(available online if you don’t have the book here.)
Participants: This activity is intended for adult/child interaction
- Step 1: Read the story to your child or listen to the story read by Gwyneth Paltrow here.
- Step 2: Depending on your child’s interest, pretend to be some of the animals in the story. Growl like a bear, hop like a frog, meow like a cat, or waddle like a duck.
- Step 3: Show a few objects of various colors. Say the colors of the objects with your child. Go on a color hunt in your home, looking for red, blue, yellow, etc.
Learn More: Cut animal shapes from cardstock and attach them to craft sticks to make puppets. Retell the stories, using the puppets.